Financing a car with bad credit is often challenging, often having no credit can be equally difficult. But We Can Help Auto Chicago is here to help you get into a car today with our in-house financing program. Without a reliable vehicle in the East Dundee area, it is hard to commute to work, get your kids to and from school and handle all of the errands that are on your plate.
Usually when you go to purchase a car, you are depending upon your credit to finalize the deal. Young students or others with no credit history have a hard time getting financing through traditional lenders. When you cannot get bank financing and you don’t have the total price in cash, rely on our Buy Here Pay Here program.
Usually when you hear an auto dealer saying that they offer financing, they don’t actually provide the funding themselves. They do this through bank affiliations and they run your credit and leave it to the banks to rely on past credit history (or a lack of one) to make the determination to lend to you. They don’t take into consideration your current situation, they just see lending to you as a risky decision.
When you are working with bad or no credit, Buy Here Pay Here car dealerships are the best option. We don’t see only what is on your credit report. We look at your current situation and find the best finance solution for you.
Just because you have no credit, doesn’t mean you don’t need to get around. It also doesn’t mean that any past mistakes should stop you from getting into a newer car. We understand this and give you an opportunity to establish your credit. Our Buy Here /Pay Here dealership looks into your income, employment history and residency to make our financing decisions.
A larger down payment would help you get your no credit loan approved. Having a shorter loan term helps as well. Providing a cosigner that has good credit will also help your chances, especially when you are the secondary borrower.
Our On-the-Lot Financing helps you to get into the car you need even if you have bad or no credit. You are not depending on an off-site financial institution, you are working directly with the dealer and everything is settled on-site. The dealer is able to offer flexibility when handling down payments, payment scheduled customized for you and other options that are not offered at traditional dealership. Your payments go directly to our dealership, no third parties are a part of your financing deal which means there are no extra costs association with your loan. You can choose to mail your payment in, make bi-monthly payments, and have your payments deducted as an auto draft from your account, make your payment online or by phone, or bring your payment in to our dealership. We work to make working with We Can Help Auto Chicago a breeze.
Remember that not all car lots that advertise this service actually offer them. They often use these terms to get you into the showroom. When you arrive, your credit is run and then you are submitted to several third-party lenders to see who is willing to finance you. While approval is possible, this could lead to delays while trying to get into a car.
We Can Help Auto Chicago plays by the book and works with you in a straightforward manner. We are specialists in Buy Here Pay Here loans for used vehicles. When you come in, we sit down together and assess your needs and financial status, coming up with a plan that works for you.
We also aim to get FAST APPROVALS for our customers. It is possible to visit us and drive off in a newer car with affordable financing that works with your budget. With each payment you make, you will be moving toward establishing good credit or repairing bad credit. Come and visit with us today!